5 Tips for Choosing Watermelon that Tastes Sweet
Watermelon is one of the favorite fruit that is loved by people in parts of the world. When the weather is hot, watermelon seems to be one of the most sought after tropical fruits. With a high water content, which reaches 91 percent, fresh watermelon can dispel the thirst and heat that makes the throat dry. Here we summarize five practical tips that you can practice when buying watermelons. Anything? 1. Check the 'field spot' on the surface of the watermelon Field spot is a yellowish spot on the surface of a watermelon that appears when the watermelon is in direct contact with the ground. Yellow patches that are generally present at the bottom of the watermelon can be an indication of the future fruit. The wider and yellow spots, it means the longer the watermelon is planted. Conversely, if the watermelon only has a small field spot with a pale color, it means that the watermelon is harvested earlier before it is fully cooked. 2. Make sure the watermelon skin is...